Tendinopathy (previous known as tendonitis) is a common name to categories tendon pain. The most common tendinopathies seen at Physio Recovery Room are at the shoulder (rotator cuff), elbow ( tennis and golfers elbow),
Hip ( Gluteal), knee ( patellar tendon), ankle (achilles tendon).
Get a diagnosis first this is critical to your recovery, to have an understanding where you pain is and what is the best way to manage it. Visit a chartered physiotherapist that has an understanding of tendon pain.
No to rest, tendons in our body love to be moved and stressed to reduce pain and increase strength. This is even the case when the tendon is painful, it is the most difficult part having an understanding that rest will not help your tendon. A painful structure does not mean a damaged structure.
Pain is ok, a manageable pain is ok, this is where you the individual will have to create a plan with your physiotherapist to see what is manageable and how can you build on it together.
No to anti-inflammatories, although there is small association with tendon pain and inflammation anti-inflammatories have shown to have very little benefit in the management of tendinopathy.
There is no quick fix, this is the key and sometime people can prolong there recovery in search of that quick fix. If a health care professional says they can fix your tendon pain within a session time to turn around and walk out. Tendons take a period of time >12 weeks to see benefits in reduced pain and load tolerance.
Shockwave therapy, is effective in reducing your tendon pain and allowing you to start your rehabilitation.
Load your tendon, you will need a exercise programme to load your tendon gradual over a period of time >12 weeks. Little and often is key to your rehabilitation recovery.